LERU Brexit Seminars
The League of European Research Universities (LERU), jointly with the University of Edinburgh and KU Leuven, has organised a seminar series on Brexit. The first LERU Brexit Seminar had the theme of The Implications of Brexit: EU and Post-EU Constitutional and Substantive Law and took place on Friday 17 November 2017 at KU Leuven. Hosted by Leuven Law School and Edinburgh Law School, the seminar was arranged by Prof Wouter Devroe (Leuven) and Dr Tobias Lock (Edinburgh). Its objective was to highlight key challenges posed by Brexit for (EU) constitutional and substantive law. The following contributions resulted from the seminar, based on speakers’ presentations and papers.
The second LERU Brexit seminar on 1 and 2 November 2018 held at Edinburgh Law School took stock one year later.