

The Edinburgh Europa Institute is a multi-disciplinary research centre within the University of Edinburgh devoted to the study of the governance, institutions, law and policies of the European Union, and of Europe more broadly.


The Edinburgh Europa Institute began in November 1968 as the Centre of European Governmental Studies. The driving force behind its creation was Professor JDB Mitchell, the first holder of the Salvesen Chair of European Institutions at the University of Edinburgh.



Rt Hon Prof Sir David Edward KCMG QC FRSE

David Edward

ROLE: Professor Emeritus

INSTITUTION: Edinburgh Law School

INTERESTS: EU law and institutions, Competition law, Constitutional law, Comparative procedural law


Chad Damro

ROLE: Professor of European Politics

INSTITUTION: School of Social and Political Science

INTERESTS: EU external relations, European Union, International political economy

Niamh Nic Shuibhne

ROLE: Professor of EU Law

INSTITUTION: Edinburgh Law School

INTERESTS: EU Constitutional Law, Specific and Essential Characteristics of the EU and EU Law, European Union Citizenship

Drew Scott FAcSS

Drew Scott

ROLE: Professor Emeritus of European Union Studies

INSTITUTION: Edinburgh Law School

INTERESTS: Governance, Regions, Economic and Monetary Union, Regional economic policy, Scotland and Europe, Subsidiarity

Associate Directors

Stephen Coutts

ROLE: Lecturer in EU Law

INSTITUTION: School of Law

INTERESTS: EU Citizenship, Integration through Law, EU Constitutional Law, EU Criminal Law, EU Migration Law

Benjamin Martill

Benjamin Martill

ROLE: Lecturer in Politics and International Relations

INSTITUTION: School of Social & Political Science

INTERESTS: European security, Brexit, and the politics of foreign policy


Arianna Andreangeli

Arianna Andreangeli

Senior Lecturer in European Law

Edinburgh Law School

EU competition law, Single Market, Merger control, Business regulation, Intellectual property, Innovation

Andy Aydn-Aitchison

Senior Lecturer in Criminology

Edinburgh Law School

Policing, Imprisonment, Governance, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Justice and Home Affairs, Former Yugoslavia, State-building

Sanja Badanjak

Chancellor's Fellow

School of Law

Peace processes, EU as a third party in peace processes, quantitative methodologies

Annika Bergman Rosamond

Senior Lecturer in International Relations and Gender

School of Social & Political Science

Feminist foreign policy, feminist security studies, gender cosmopolitanism and care ethics, feminist peace and digital diplomacy, critical military studies, the study of crisis, populism and gendered nationalism, human rights and environmental justice

Elizabeth Bomberg

Professor of Environmental Politics

School of Social and Political Science

Environmental politics and policy, Energy politics, Activism, Europeanisation, US politics

Christina Boswell FRSE FAcSS

Christina Boswell

Professor of Politics

School of Social and Political Science

Political Sociology, Use of research in policy, Immigration and asylum policy, Politics of immigration, Public policy

Eleanor Brooks

Lecturer in Health Policy

School of Social & Political Science

Global health, Global Health Policy, Global health governance, policy tools in global health governance, European public health policy, European Union, Europeanization, European Union public policy

Adam William Chalmers

Senior Lecturer (European Union Politics)

School of Social & Political Science

Energy, environment and sustainability; European Union Studies; Finance and economic sociology; Governance & Democracy Methods

Andrea Christou

PhD Student

School of Social and Political Science

EU foreign policy, public opinion, deliberative democracy

Daniel Clegg

Senior Lecturer in Social Policy

School of Social and Political Science

Unemployment, Comparative social policy, Welfare reform, Welfare systems, Labour market, European social policy, Social security, Comparative Political Economy, French political economy, French politics

Eric Clive CBE FRSE

Honorary Professor

Edinburgh Law School

Private law, Family law, Law of obligations, Private international law, European private law

Laura Cram

Professor of European Politics

School of Social and Political Science

European public policy, European identity, Neuropolitics of identity, Neuropolitics of public policy, Experimental research, fMRI studies, Physiological studies, Behavioural games, Identity triggers, National identity, Symbols

Rachael Craufurd Smith

Rachael Craufurd Smith

Reader in European Union Law

Edinburgh Law School

Media, Regulation of culture, EU law, Broadcasting, State aid, Fundamental rights, Identity

Cleo Davies

PhD Candidate in Politics

School of Social and Political Science

International organisations, European integration, Politics of financial market supervision and regulation, International Political Economy

Niccolo Durazzi

Senior Lecturer

School of Social & Political Science

Twin transition, industrial policy, labour market policy, education and skills policy

Andrew Farrer

Teaching Fellow in EU Law

Edinburgh Law School

EU law, economics and politics

Carmen Gebhard

Carmen Gebhard

Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations

School of Social and Political Science

EU Foreign and Security Policy, Comparative European politics, Small states, Security and defence cooperation, Inter-organisationalism

Sotiria Grek

Sotiria Grek

Senior Lecturer in Social Policy

School of Social and Political Science

Education governance, Education and European integration, Knowledge, Global public policy, Critical social research

Darren Harvey

Darren Harvey

Early Career Fellow in European Union Law

Edinburgh Law School

EU constitutional law, EU law and institutions, Public law, Judicial review, Fundamental rights

Elke Heins

Elke Heins

Lecturer in Social Policy

School of Social and Political Science

Comparative social policy, Labour market policy, Welfare regimes, Welfare reform, Trade unions, Social determinants of health, Health policy, Politics of health, Europeanisation, Public services, Third Sector, European social policy, Social investment, Wellbeing

Ailsa Henderson

Professor of Political Science

School of Social and Political Science

Political behaviour, Political culture, Regionalism, Voting and elections, Comparative territorial politics, UK, Scotland, Quebec-Scotland comparisons, European values, Public opinion and Political attitudes

Daniel Kenealy

Daniel Kenealy

Lecturer in Social Policy

School of Social and Political Science

Devolution, Devolution finance, Scottish Government, Northern Ireland Government, England's city regions, Political history, Public administration, Scottish Labour, Labour Party

Simone Lamont-Black

Simone Lamont-Black

Senior Lecturer in International Trade Law

Edinburgh Law School

EU Passenger Law, International Transport Law and Freight Forwarding, Private International Law, International Commercial Arbitration

Robert Lane

Senior Lecturer in EU Law

Edinburgh Law School

EU constitutional law, Judicial protection, Internal market law, Competition law, Comparative federalism

Cormac Mac Amhlaigh

Cormac Mac Amhlaigh

Senior Lecturer in Public Law

Edinburgh Law School

UK constitutional law, Public law, Constitutional theory, Theory and practice of human rights law, Post-state law and constitutionalism

Leandro Mancano

Leandro Mancano

Lecturer in European Union Law

Edinburgh Law School

EU constitutional law, EU fundamental rights law, Justice and Home Affairs policy, Deprivation of liberty

Luke March

Luke March

Professor of Post-Soviet and Comparative Politics

School of Social and Political Science

Russia, Moldova, Radical left, Post-Soviet politics, Populism, Social movements, Ukraine, Protest

Lesley McAra CBE

Professor of Penology

Edinburgh Law School

Sociology of punishment, Sociology of law and deviance, Youth crime and juvenile justice, Gender justice and community wellbeing, Politics of crime control, Comparative criminal justice

Pontus Odmalm

Senior Lecturer

School of Social & Political Science

Comparative European politics, Politics of immigration, Citizenship, Political parties

Ewan Robertson

Postdoctoral Researcher

School of Social and Political Science

Parliaments, Role of ideas and knowledge, comparative social and labour market policy

Charlotte Rommerskirchen

Charlotte Rommerskirchen

Lecturer in International Political Economy

School of Social & Political Science

European Union, Financial markets, Mixed methods, International Political Economy, Comparative Political Economy

Ben Rosamond

Head of Politics & International Relations

School of Social & Political Science

The political economy of Brexit; the politics of European disintegration; the sociology of academic knowledge


Head of School

Edinburgh Law School

EU constitution, EU institutions, EU law, Socio-legal and interdisciplinary perspectives, Citizenship

Navraj Singh Ghaleigh

Navraj Singh Ghaleigh

Senior Lecturer in Climate Law

Edinburgh Law School

Climate change law, Market-based mechanisms, Climate constitutionalism, Public international law, Electoral law, Party and election funding, Direct democracy and referendums

Stephen Tierney

Professor of Constitutional Theory

Edinburgh Law School

Public law, International law, Constitutional theory, Legal accommodation of national identity, Comparative constitutional law and theory, Referenda and constitutional questions

Patrick Utz

Researcher & Tutor

School of Social & Political Science

Territorial politics, Federalism, Nationalism and devolution, Party politics, Multi-level party politics, European Union, Europeanisation, Language policy, identity politics, Consociationalism

Neil Walker FRSE FBA

Regius Professor of Public Law and the Law of Nature and Nations

Edinburgh Law School

Constitutional theory, Security, Legal order and political community, Legal theory, UK law, EU law

Raphaële Xenidis

Raphaële Xenidis

Assistant Professor in European Law

Sciences Po

Discrimination, intersectionality, AI & algorithmic discrimination

Honorary Fellows

Mark Aspinwall

ROLE: Professor of Politics

INSTITUTION: International Relations Division, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)

INTERESTS: Mexico, Mexican politics, North America, Political economy, Institutions and change, Norm diffusion, Governance, Development, Civil society

Francesca Batzella

ROLE: Senior Lecturer

INSTITUTION: University of Hertfordshire

INTERESTS: EU external relations, EU governance and actorness, EU and global energy policy, International Relations

Peter Cameron FRSE

ROLE: Professor of International Energy Law and Policy

INSTITUTION: Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy University of Dundee

INTERESTS: International energy law, EU energy law, Oil and gas law

Paul James Cardwell

ROLE: Professor of Law

INSTITUTION: Dickson Poon School of Law, KCL

INTERESTS: EU external relations, EU law, EU politics, UK constitutional law, EU constitutional order, Democracy promotion, European neighbourhood

Theofanis Exadaktylos

ROLE: Professor in European Politics

INSTITUTION: University of Surrey

INTERESTS: Europeanization of foreign policy, politics of austerity, issues of policy implementation and political trust

Adrian Favero

Adrian Favero

ROLE: Assistant Professor in European Politics & Society

INSTITUTION: University of Groningen

INTERESTS: Europeanisation, European Union, Identity formation, Globalisation and personal life, Urban sociology, Identity politics, Central Eastern Europe

Vanessa Glynn

ROLE: Chair

INSTITUTION: European Movement in Scotland

INTERESTS: Energy policy, Intellectual property, Subsidiarity, European external policy

Emily Hancox

ROLE: Lecturer in Law

INSTITUTION: University of Bristol Law School

INTERESTS: EU law, EU legal order, Public law, Constitutional law, EU free movement, EU citizenship

William Hanna

ROLE: Former European Ambassador

INSTITUTION: European Commission


Eve Hepburn

Eve Hepburn

ROLE: Director


INTERESTS: Comparative European politics, Territorial politics, Nationalism, Regionalism, Federalism, Multi-level governance, European integration, Politics of immigration, Scottish politics, Political parties, Multiculturalism, Public policy, Devolution

David Howarth

David Howarth

ROLE: Professor of Political Economy

INSTITUTION: European Governance Research Programme, University of Luxembourg

INTERESTS: Political economy of European integration, Economic and Monetary Union, Financial and banking systems, Financial regulation

Kirsty Hughes

ROLE: Director

INSTITUTION: Scottish Centre on European Relations

INTERESTS: EU politics, Future of Europe, Brexit – the UK, Scotland and EU27, EU's neighbourhood

Charlie Jeffery CBE FRSE FAcSS

Charlie Jeffery

ROLE: Vice-Chancellor & President

INSTITUTION: University of York

INTERESTS: Regionalism, Multi-level governance, Public attitudes, Public policy, Scottish politics, Territorial politics

Michael Keating FRSE FBA FAcSS

ROLE: Professor of Scottish Politics

INSTITUTION: University of Aberdeen

INTERESTS: Regions, Nationalism, Scotland, Public policy

Brigid Laffan

ROLE: Emeritus Professor

INSTITUTION: The Robert Schuman Centre, EUI


Jacquelyn MacLennan

ROLE: Partner


INTERESTS: EU competition law, EU internal market law, EU environmental law, EU trade law

Richard McAllister

ROLE: Honorary Fellow

INSTITUTION: School of Social & Political Science

INTERESTS: European Union, French politics, Central-local relations in European states

Aileen McLeod MEP

ROLE: Member of the European Parliament for Scotland (elected)

INSTITUTION: European Parliament

INTERESTS: Scottish politics, EU politics, Politics and policy

Willem Noe


INSTITUTION: EC Representation in Ireland


Claudio Radaelli

Claudio Radaelli

ROLE: Professor


INTERESTS: Policy process of the European Union, the domestic effects of EU policies, Public Policy and administration

Nicolas Rennuy

ROLE: Senior Lecturer

INSTITUTION: University of York

INTERESTS: Free movement of persons and national social security schemes

Andy Smith

ROLE: Director

INSTITUTION: Centre Émile Durkheim, University of Bordeaux

INTERESTS: EU trade and industry policies, Political economy, Territorial politics

Mike Smith

ROLE: Professor in European Politics

INSTITUTION: University of Warwick

INTERESTS: European Union external relations and the development of the EU’s system of diplomacy

Fabian Zuleeg

ROLE: Chief Executive

INSTITUTION: European Policy Centre

INTERESTS: Political economy of European integration, Europe's economic future,Economic and Monetary Union, Eurocrisis, UK-EU relationship, Single Market, EU budget, European labour markets